
EOS Group reconfirmed its "A" rating as a successful financial investor

Hamburg / Zagreb

Euler Hermes Rating, one of the leading European credit rating agencies, has awarded the highest "A" rating to the EOS Group for the sixteenth consecutive time. This year, EOS has once again impressed auditors with its very high, stable earnings and excellent capital structure.

Despite the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Euler Hermes has assessed the financial risk of EOS as low. While there may be a short to medium-term decline in revenue and earnings, auditors expect a good to very good level of earnings in the long term.

Sustainable investments on a significant scale

In recent years, EOS has systematically strengthened its business activities as a financial investor and established itself as a leader in the German market for debt purchasing, confirming its strong position in many countries across Europe. In the financial year 2019/20, the company invested €651.3 million in unsecured and secured receivables and real estate.

"In the coming years, we want to make significant, sustainable investments in receivables portfolios," emphasizes Justus Hecking-Veltman, Chief Financial Officer of the EOS Group, adding that "despite the specificities of different markets within the Group, we firmly adhere to the scenario because that is what makes us a stable and reliable company, both today and in the future."

The EOS Group is one of the leading international providers of individualized financial services. The company's core business is the purchase of unsecured and secured receivables portfolios. As an expert in the assessment and processing of receivables, EOS ensures financial security for over 20,000 clients in 26 countries. With an international network of partner companies, the EOS Group, with around 7,500 employees and more than 60 subsidiaries, has direct access to resources in over 180 countries worldwide.

For more information, visit

EOS Matrix Ltd. is the largest center for debt collection and acquisition of risky receivables in Croatia. It is a leader in the receivables management market in Eastern Europe and is part of the regional network and a member of the global EOS Group. For more information, visit