Panel diskusija s nekoliko govornika koji sjede na šarenoj sofi, a u pozadini je prikazana prezentacija. Fokus je na ženi koja govori, dok je publika uključena u raspravu.

EOS Croatia supported the Money Tik Talks conference for Gen Z

Does money buy you happiness?

This was the question that kicked off the Money Tik-Talks conference for Generation Z, organized by Spikerfon, held on Wednesday, October 23, at the Wespa Center in Zagreb.

Aligned with the commitment to improving financial literacy and educating young people, EOS supported the organization of the conference. Barbara Cerinski, Managing director of EOS Matrix Croatia  participated in a panel discussing Gen Z's relationship with finances.
Barbara emphasized: "The generations entering the workforce in the 2000s used increasingly accessible financing options like loans and credit cards. The financial crisis of 2008 led some to struggle with repayments, resulting in a rise in non-performing loans (NPL), which reached up to 14% at the time. Today, the NPL is below 3%, positively affecting Gen Z's entry into the job market. Unlike our generation, today’s youth have more information at their disposal, better understand digital channels, and have learned from their parents' experiences."

In concluding the panel, she shared an important message:

Barbara Cerinski, Executive Manager EOS Matrix

As a society, we have a duty to educate future generations on how to manage money and make smart financial decisions. It is an investment in their future.

Barbara Cerinski
Managin Director, EOS Matrix Croatia
The conference provided valuable perspectives of financial literacy and financial advice, offering participants a chance to learn extensively. EOS supported this meaningful initiative for young people, presenting the company and its operations to Gen Z in a relatable and engaging way.
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